1st March 2014


Mr David Rees AM


Health and Social Care Committee

National Assembly for Wales

Cardiff Bay


CF99 1NA


Dear Mr Rees


Re:  Cwm Taf’s Progress on Implementing the Welsh Government’s Cancer Delivery Plan


Cwm Taf is pleased to report that we made significant progress during 2013/14 in meeting the requirements of the Cancer Delivery Plan.  Full details on our progress made can be found within our annual report available on our internet site;  




In summary we can report that:


1.        Collaborative Working across Sectors -  In response to the Delivery Plan placing emphasis on the partnership approach to delivering cancer services,  Cwm Taf has held two stakeholder events to date aimed at updating our partners on progress made and to task those present with the development of shared priorities to inform our Local Development Plan for both 2012/13 and 2013/14.  At both events there was excellent representation across all spectrums of care as well as the voluntary sector and patient representation.   We believe we have demonstrated a continued commitment to partnership working as a component for us in delivering our Plan.


2.        Effectiveness of cancer screening services and the level of uptake -  Screening uptake in Cwm Taf compares well with the rest of Wales.  Cwm Taf meets the target uptake for breast screening, however we do not meet target of 60% for bowel screening (51.90% 2011 – 2012) or the 80% target for 20 to 64 year old for cervical screening (76.70% for 2011/12).   Our local Public Health Team are working closely with the Screening Service to target specific areas across the population where uptake is poor.  A tripartite campaign is being planned during 2014 to raise awareness of screening programmes as well as signs and symptoms for specific cancers.  The campaign will also include information on how to reduce your risk of cancer.


3.        Funding for Cancer Services -  Cwm Taf have strengthened their partnership working with Macmillan Cancer Care and focused on a number of priorities during 2012/13 to ensure patients can access the care they require.  The service improvements made include the appointment of a Macmillan Clinical Nurse Specialist for Skin Cancer  and for an Oncology Nurse Specialist for Colorectal Cancer.  Also the appointment of two part time Macmillan GP Facilitators to work with the palliative care teams and members of primary/community healthcare teams.  In addition a part time Consultant Psychologist has been funded by Macmillan and an appointment was made during February 2014.   Two Speech and Language therapist posts have also been funded as well as two Advance Care Planning Nurses and a Patient Centred Care Manager for Cancer, these posts will be appointed to in the near future.  Significant investment has been received from Macmillan and there is no doubt that these additional posts will go a long way to meeting the needs of our cancer patients.


4.        Reducing the Risks of Cancer/Prevention -  The Health Board is working closely with local government, Public Health Wales NHS Trust, Primary Care Contractors and the Third Sector to tackle the root causes of poor health.  The Single Integrated Plans for both Rhondda Cynon Taff and Merthyr Tydfil affirm the Local Service Boards’ partnership commitment to address the health inequalities and associated health promotion challenges faced.  Together we are working in partnership to deliver the following strategic programmes:  Smoke Free Cwm Taf which aims to reduce smoking prevalence to 16% in Cwm Taf by 2020.  This programme focuses on three themes, Preventing people from starting smoking, helping people to stop smoking and reducing environmental exposure to cigarette smoke; Substance Misuse Strategy which is focusing on taking action to prevent and treat alcohol and drug misuse and Healthy Weight, Health Valleys Strategy which aims to improve health eating and physical activity levels. 


In recognition of the deprivation and health inequalities in our health board area we are part of a Welsh Government Inverse Care Law Programme, to improve population health and patient outcomes through focusing on lifestyles.  Work over the last 12 months has included:

-          the introduction of the Smoke Free Homes Pilot

-          Smoking Brief Intervention Training provided to a range of Health Board staff and community partners

-          BASICS (Barriers to Uptake of Smoking Cessation Services in Pregnant Women).

-          MAMMS Research Project (Models for Access to maternal Smoking Cessation Support)

-          Alcohol Brief Intervention Training has been rolled out.

-          Macmillan RCT Libraries project:  Healthy New You Group ran during 2013 in Aberdare, Pontypridd and Treorchy libraries.


5.        Over the last 3 years Cwm Taf has demonstrated our commitment to the achievement of national cancer standards and all Cancer Multi Disciplinary teams are now achieving a high level of compliance.


6.        Cwm Taf has fully engaged with the Peer Review process, led by Health Inspectorate Wales working in partnership with Cancer Networks.  The reviews undertaken to date are lung, urology and Upper GI.  Many areas of good practice have been highlighted by the reviews and there have been no areas of risk identified.  Action Plans are in place relating to each of the reviews to ensure any recommendations from reviews are met.


7.        Best practice recognised within Cwm Taf -  the Colorectal Multi Disciplinary Team at Prince Charles Hospital has been awarded specialist status by the Association of Coloprotology of Great Britain and Ireland.  Professor Haray, a Consultant Colorectal Surgeon is a leading specialist in laparoscopic bowel surgery stated that “this is gratifying recognition of all the hard work put in by various team members in providing training, which includes live operating master classes, not only for registrars but to all grades of staff, including nurses”.



It is hoped that our response will reassure the National Assembly for Wales’ Health and Social Care Committee that Cwm Taf is delivering on the Government’s Cancer Delivery Plan.


Yours sincerely


Mr Kamal Asaad

Medical Director/Executive Lead for Cancer